These Images Called Out For Haiku

How Could I Say, “No” To Such Views ?

GE McKerrihan
Feb 14, 2024
Abstract white markings on a black and rusted roll down door.
“Symbolic Markings” — Image by Author

Black door graffiti
White lines point the way to more
Rust spots lead the way

Peeling and altered paint on an old wall.
“Soft Peeling Paint” — Image by Author

Soft layered plaster
Quiet colors on the wall
A map leading home

Bed springs and chicken wire on a deteriorating wall.
“Layers Of The Hand Of Man” — Image by Author

Multi layered wall
Screen, bedsprings, peeling wood wall
All leading downtown

An abstract view into an interior air space.
“View Through Glass Slats” — Image by Author

Flat glass window slats
Reveal a breath of the sky
This view last all day

Rocks and debris leading to the Xochimilco Aqueduct.
“Remains of The Day” — Image by Author

Aqueduct stone floor
Volleyball remains at rest
Game day is over

Layers of peeling paint on the sidewalk.
“Layers Of Peeling Paint On The Sidewalk” — Image by Author

Peeling paint piles up
Layers on the sidewalk wait
For stormy weather

Bedsprings against corrugated metal.
“Bedspring Double Exposure” — Image by Author

Rusted bedsprings on
Corrugated steel ripples
Double exposure



GE McKerrihan

I’ve been using the camera for nearly 50 years. I write about Photography, Art, Travel, and Life. Top Writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, and Inspiration.