Member-only story
Looking Back At Life In Oaxaca City
And What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been

This image seems such an apt metaphor for my life in Oaxaca these days. A lonesome life tied in knots. This abstracted view reveals another level of metaphor. Like how did I actually end up here? Did I really ride in on that blue blob on the right?
And as I look deeper into my soul, I know exactly how I ended up here. I have a passport and booked a flight. Though it is the ‘why’ that continues to confound me.
Yesterday marked my seventy two and a half years on this weirdly spinning planet. This planet we all call home. And I continue to wonder why I am still here.
On both this planet, and in this city of Oaxaca.

Yes, if I had a rocket launcher . . . ‘Thank you Warren Zevon’ . . . I would be a dangerous man. I also find some perverse comfort in knowing I am not the only one.
I am a part of the largest generation in American history. And yes by God, I am a Boomer, through and through. And mostly proud to be.
I still continue wrestling with . . . is this a badge of honor? Or is this a badge of shame?